Matthew 25:31-46
Tomorrow (March 13th) is Freedom Sunday. It is a day that churches from all over raise awareness and prayers to end human trafficking. I love that they are doing this, but my plea, my cry to the church is this:WE ALREADY KNOW IT'S OUT THERE! We have the internet, we have television, we have eyes and ears, WE KNOW IT'S HAPPENING! But WHAT ARE WE DOING ABOUT IT? Don't waste time! Stand firm, don't back down, don't be afraid to say it like it is! God has given us the money and the means to put an end to this, brothers and sisters in Christ! He has given us the resources! Lay them down. GIVE. Put an end to this horrible crime against these children, these human beings, created in the image of the MOST HIGH GOD. WE CAN END THIS. Don't just say something about it, show sad pictures, or say a quick (or long) prayer about it, and walk away feeling righteous, or that you've done something to end this. ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING. Hear their cries!
Oh God, open our ears! Let us hear their cries! Let us not rest until they have been set free!
I have been convicted, and I pray you have too. It's easy to ask, "But what can I do? I'm a world away and don't have much." BUT EVERY PENNY COUNTS. Lay it all down on the alter and ask God to bless it, and multiply it, that these people will be set free! Every spare penny you have to give; lay it down.
There are many organizations out there to put an end to this through education, shelter, food, and love for these children. If you know of one you trust, donate it all to them. If you don't, ICCM (International Childcare Ministries) is a non-profit organization that is taking a stand to end human trafficking. They are trying to start a project in Thailand to provide that education, food, shelter, safety, and loving environment for the very kids who would otherwise be sold into slavery. This project is only going to cost $30,000. That's it. I can tell you that if they are successful, they will not stop there, they will do everything they can to stop human trafficking.
How many churches are in the US alone? How many people are within those churches? How much can a mega church get in one offering? $30,000 is not much. I don't have much to give, but if I give a little, you give a little, and someone else gives a little, it starts to equal a lot.
Thank you for bringing this up. Let's put a stop to this. Let us give to the least of these; the helpless children being forced into slavery without a voice. Without the right to say they are worth more than this.
Will the Master know me? Will He know you? When He looks at us, will he say, "‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’"