Do you ever wonder what you're doing this for? Anything you are doing that is eating away at the time you have been given in this life? Well, I started struggling with this question regarding working toward my master's degree. It is so time consuming and so draining at times, and for what? So I can have a piece of paper? So I can look better in the eyes of this education-driven society? So I can get a better job? So I can prove something? Is it worth it? And at this point I was asking, "Was it worth it?" Is this pleasing to God? Am I worshiping Him through this?What is the point of a master's degree or doctorate's degree anyway? So we can get a job that will take up even more of our time later? Is this what we were made for? Is it really that important?
Maybe these thoughts were coming to me because I am going through a young life crisis, where I realized my 20's are leaving, and with it my youth. Who knows?! But whatever caused it does not matter...here's what I realized...
I don't know if it was worth ALL of the time I put into it, when I think about the things I wanted to do versus the things I was having to do (or in reality choosing to do). I wanted to spend more time at the homeless shelter; I wanted to spend more time creating new ministry projects that would help those in need and share the love of Christ to this hurting world; I wanted to do more with International Child Care Ministries; I wanted to bring change to the westernized church. Instead, I was spending every spare moment on homework, even when I knew I did not have to...I chose to because I am a perfectionist (or as my classmates would call me, an overachiever).
So here I was almost 2 years after starting this program, finally asking myself, "Why?"
Adopting is one of my biggest passions in this life. God gave me this passion and desire back in college...oh yeah, I'm still in college... well, back when I was 19 and in college. My husband and I both have a desire and passion to adopt our children. This degree could allow me to do one of my most important ministries in this life...raising my children. I can be a full-time mom and work some evenings or online as an adjunct professor.
This degree also helps with another passion of mine - helping with the homeless and orphans in this area and around the world. My undergrad and grad degrees are in organizational development and organizational management, I've been trained on how to help organizations survive and thrive and was even taught how to write successful grant proposals. See how this fits?
These degrees have trained and equipped me for public speaking (something I never thought I'd be comfortable with). They have trained me in project management, team building, true leadership and following, and teamwork. These will all help with other ministries I feel called to do.
I finally realized something, it was worth it only if I use it to the glory of God. I, like before, can choose how I spend my time on this earth. I can spend it on wasted degrees, careers, jobs, random pleasures, and living for the weekends, or I can use it to worship my Creator.
Was it worth it? We will find out, but I am counting on a yes. Is it worth it for you? That depends on why you are doing it, and what the results will be. Is it to glorify God or yourself? Is it to go from one busy schedule to the next and forget about the important things in this life, or is it to enable you to spend your time doing more meaningful things? Is it preparing you for the passions God has placed in your heart? And will/do you still have time to serve God now?
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21