The Pacifier
With Jason and I being foster parents, I have come to notice something I never thought of before. When a baby is hungry and crying, you give them a pacifier to calm them down until you can get a bottle to them. Quite simple works like a drug. Very soothing, relaxing, and instantly makes the baby mostly satisfied. But what happens when you have to take the pacifier away? The baby tosses and turns its head to get you away from taking that pacifier from it. It then sucks as hard as possible to resist you pulling it from the mouth. And when you finally get it out of the baby's mouth, it seems to put its hand in there and start sucking insanely right away. Then when you try to remove the baby's hand from its mouth, the stubborn ones get angry and start flapping the fists around. What the baby doesn't realize, is that you are trying to take the pacifier away to actually give it the bottle.
This bottle is full of milk/formula this baby needs to survive, is craving, and starving for, but the baby still insists on resisting it until the pacifier AND the hands are removed from the mouth, the nipple of the bottle is put up to the lips, and then, BOOM! The eyes get big as though saying, "OH YES! This is what I want, I'm STARVING!" The baby immediately starts sucking like mad and drinking down the formula to quench the thirst and fill the stomach.
While trying to take the pacifier away, I am always reminding the baby, "You're gonna have to let go of that thing in order to get the real thing..." (Of course, I know full well the poor child has no clue what I am babbling on about while trying to take the pacifier away and give it the bottle, but that is beside the point.)
Now, to most of us, this is quite simple, silly of me to even mention, and seems to be an odd choice of topic for a blog. I thought the same thing, but in my sleepy nights of feeding children, I sit there watching this struggle between the pacifier, hands, and bottle, and think, "There must be a good example here..." Of course, in my tired state, usually I just decide, "I'm sure there is one, but I just can't think of it." : ) Any parents know what I'm talking about! : )
I must be catching up on sleep or something, because it FINALLY hit me! This is like life. Especially in the spiritual sense, but could be used in other ways too...give me a break, I'm still sleep deprived!
We often times fill our lives with things or pleasures that only will make us feel good for a little while, but have a really hard time letting go of those things to finally receive what we actually need. In one sense, we can go through life trying to fill our emptiness with jobs, lies, drugs, alcohol, sex, money, "stability," things, etc... But the emptiness somehow keeps growing; the inner hunger persists, and the thirst cannot be quenched. So what do we do??? We start grabbing for something else that will satisfy our empty longing and loneliness. This repeats over and over again, when all we really need is a Savior. We know the Savior is the only one who can quench that thirst and fill the hunger, but we keep resisting and grabbing and reaching for something else to satisfy us temporarily.
In another sense, what about those of us who already know the Savior? It again can be any of the above things (jobs, lies, things, stability, etc.). Maybe it is that God is calling us to something bigger and greater, but a lot more insecure, unstable, and quite frankly, scary, but we are clinging to that stability and comfort of where we already are. Maybe it is something more simple, like going to church on Sunday is fine, but stepping up to the plate, reading our Bibles everyday and doing devotionals, spending time with God one on one daily, serving and loving others the way we should throughout the week, etc. is a whole different story! It would cause us to get uncomfortable for a while, and would make us have to STOP clinging to these other things.
We cling to staying busy, our daily routines, our wonderful little comfort zones, sitting in judgment or shame while looking at this sinful world, but doing nothing about it. WE KNOW that GOD IS OUR BREAD OF LIFE and OUR LIFE GIVING WATER! He is the only One Who can quench the thirst, fill the hunger, and take away the loneliness, and we know that better than anyone because we've experienced Him and His Loving Grace...But yet we STILL cling to the other things, and don't do what we know we should! We stay in our comfort zones.
We often times find ourselves holding onto the pacifier, and when that pacifier is removed, we tend to immediately put our hands up and try to make it on our own, but what we really need is that bottle...we need God, we need the Savior, and we need to follow, love, and serve Him with every second of every day of our lives; not just once a week, a couple times a week, or a few minutes a day, but EVERY SECOND OF EVERY SINGLE DAY. God is pulling us and telling us, "You're gonna have to let go of that thing in order for Me to give you the real thing..."
I find it interesting that as the baby gets older, it starts recognizing what is going to happen. It still fusses and cries over the pacifier being taken away, but once that bottle starts coming, it knows to back down and take what it really needs...the bottle! As Christians, this is also true. The more we do what God is calling us to do, and the more we obey what He has taught us to do, the more we are able to recognize it. We still fuss and cry over that pacifier or comfort being taken from us, but we actually recognize the bottle as it's coming, and finally realize what's happening or about to happen....and eventually we even move up to the solid foods, imagine that!
I am writing this because it is convicting to me... I am one of those Christians clinging to stability and afraid to leave my comfort zone and step out to do all I have been called to do. Yeah, I'm doing some of it, but not all. Do I risk looking stupid to others by stepping out of my comfort zone and doing what I've been called to do? I have a ton of conviction about things I should be doing, but am I willing to let go of my pacifier of comfort long enough to experience what is in that bottle? See, I'm not preaching, I'm being convicted myself, as I pray you are. Being a follower of Christ is hard work, but worth EVERY second of it. God always blesses and always provides, and He offers opportunities at every corner for us to grow and change.
What is the pacifier in your life? God is calling you and telling you it is time to let go of that thing, so He can give you the real thing.
"For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate." Romans 7:15 ESV
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize." 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 NIV